Project News
2022.09. Project END Meeing in Vienna
Team AIT and Attophotnics: Left to right: Melanie Huetter, Mehrabi Pooyan, Thomas Schalkhammer, Walter Pulverer, Vanessa Thoeny, Steffen Kurzhals, Giorgio Mutinati, Eva Melnik.
2022.09.13 Publication online: "Detection of breast cancer-related point-mutations using screen-printed and gold-plated electrochemical sensor arrays suitable for point-of-care applications"
You can find the publication here: see Link
2022.07.10-13 Conference FLEPS 2022, IEEE International Conference on Flexible Printable Sensors and Systems
You can find the presentation slides here. (We apologise for the poor sound quality): see Video
You can find the conference publication here: see Link
2022.05.22-25 Presentation of project results on the 7th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology (ELSEVIER)
AIT: Poster presentation
2021.07.28 Presentation of project results on the 31. Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors (ELSEVIER) AIT: Poster presentation: Enjoy the video! 2021.02.28 Successful termination of the second project year!! Attophotonics: A sensor with 12 working electrodes for the detection of DNA mutations realized! AIT: Multiplex, mutation specific
electrochemical DNA assay realized! SIMIT/ECUST: Ultra-sensitive DNA assay using nanomaterials demonstrated and
published! "A novel signal amplification label based on AuPt alloy nanoparticles supported by high-active carbon for the electrochemical detection of circulating tumor DNA in Analytica Chimica Acta 1169 (2021) 338628 see link 2020.01.24 Meeting: "Measurement system presentation and installation" At this meeting at the AIT, Attophotonics presents the new measurement system, which is equipped with the sensor holder and a temperature control unit. This system was installed at the AIT and the potentiostat was connected and optimized for the measurement of 12 working electrode channels.
2019.12.17 Meeting: "Sensor and connector system" During the meeting, Attophotonics and AIT discussed the current status of sensor development. Mehrabi Pooyan presented the sensor holder with conductor track recently manufactured by Attophotonics GmbH and developed in cooperation with the AIT. In addition, the first results of the measurements on the screen-printed sensors were discussed and further steps for optimization were worked out. 2019.09.06 Six-month-meeting at SITI During the six-month-meeting at the Shanghai Industrial Technology Institute (SITI) in Shanghai, China, various topics ranging from assay development to electrochemical detection principles based on nanomaterials were discussed in detail. Despite stormy weather conditions, the meeting could be held successfully. 2019 03 28 Kick-off Meeting On the 28th March 2019 the Kick-off Meeting take place at the Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, in Vienna, Austria.